ASU Game Changers

Uplifting future generations of ASU founders

The ASU Game Changers Pledge empowers founders and investors to achieve their philanthropic goals while deepening their connections with Arizona State University’s venture community. Signers pledge a portion of their future success to support ASU’s global entrepreneurial ecosystem and advance ASU’s charter in Arizona and beyond.

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Step 1

Game Changers pledge their support to ASU and its work

Step 2

InvestU works to grow the next generation of ASU startups

Step 3

Successful ASU founders and investors pay it forward

  • Become a Game Changer


Our goal is to share in your success, so the pledge is non-binding and the gift amount can be determined or modified at the time of a liquidity event.

Personal impact

Future gifts can be directed to any unit or program at ASU. The ASU Foundation will work closely with signers to identify areas of need that align with their passions.

Social proof

The mission of the ASU Game Changers Pledge is promoted across ASU's entrepreneurial ecosystem, and signers are highlighted to encourage the generosity of others.

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“In support of ASU’s innovative charter, InvestU is an excellent platform to connect investors and exciting early-stage companies.”

- Andrew High, ASU Alumnus, B.S. 2006, J.D. 2012

Frequently asked questions

When should I take the pledge?

Founders and Investors are invited to take the pledge as soon as an investment is facilitated by InvestU. In this case, your pledge is tied to that specific company. However, supporters may also take the pledge without a related investment to show their support for our growing community.


Is my pledge binding?

No. Our goal is to share in your success, so the pledge is non-binding and the gift amount can be determined or modified at the time of a liquidity event.


Where can I direct my future gift?

Future gifts can be directed to any unit or program at ASU. The InvestU Director and the ASU Foundation will work closely with you to identify areas of need that align with your passions.


Is there a minimum amount to pledge?

There is not a minimum, though we will make recommendations to align your gift with the size of the investment transaction and the impact you want to have at ASU and the world.


I’m investing in multiple companies. How many times should I take the pledge?

Investors will have the option to take a new pledge for each investment they make through InvestU. This allows our team to track the investment’s success and process future gifts in a timely manner based on each liquidity event. However, investors can choose to apply the pledge to multiple investments.